วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

IBC Week 2 - Japan Backpacker -

1. what is information literacy skills?

- Information literacy skills are skills that you need to know what you should to choose something like if you want to buy a book what book you should to buy or when you need to know something what information that you have to research about it. Because before we choose something we need a information to get the best choice.

2. What is SQRW?
- S = Survey : we need to survey for the information that can tell us for the basic information
- Q = Question : you need to put your question in everywhere in your topic to help you to understand easier like what? (what is this topic?), when (when was it?), Where (Where are they doing?) it's very useful to help you understand and easy to remember.
- R = Read : if you have a questions you need to read about the topic to find the answer. sometime if you read you can change your question to another guestion for understand more.
- W = Write : write the right answer that you got and write explain what do you understand about your question.

3. Use Big 6 Skills(Step 1-6) of the topic you know best.
Step 1 Define problem, information requirement.
- Japan Backpacker

Step 2 Info. seeking strategies.
- Ask my close friend and another people who had been travel in Japan and read a book

Step 3. Location and Access
- The book's name is "Tokyo Mai Mee Ka", http://www.google.com/ , http://www.pantip.com/

Step 4.

Step 5. Synthesis : Putting it all together
- Prepare before go to Japan
We need to research about Visa and Passport that is the most important to do first. the sources are : http://topicstock.pantip.com/blueplanet/topicstock/2008/10/E7079327/E7079327.html, http://www.th.emb-japan.go.jp/th/index.htm

- Buy the cheap ticket - search by google. you will see many cheapticket but a one cheapest ticket i found is http://market.mthai.com/product/123479 this is roundtrip ticket but it's out of the date

- Accomadation : in the book "Tokyo Mai Mee Ka" they has a list of cheap hotel in there the rate price around 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen

- Meal : In "Tokyo Mai Mee Ka" they suggest to bring a food like Noodle to eat in the last meal and try to eat cheap food in low price like 1,400 per meal.

- Travel : www.japan-guide.com/

- Part-time : http://www.tamngan.com/

Step 6. Evaluation
- "Tokyo Mai Mee Ka" is the best source the book tell about their real experience and it's very fun and they put some knowledge of survival in Japan and what they earn is once experience in a life time.

- This topic is very useful for every people who like to travel in Japan for cheap price this is the guidline from the people who has experience from Japan if you don't care about the luxuary hotel and food you can eat Ma-ma every meal or just get a low price of food and you don't care about the comfortable you can learn about this experience, travel outside country is very easy!.

