- Journal is a kind of important press about education that give you about knowledge and entertainment to you and also write about the society to tell you what happen and there's something change.
- for Magazine is a kind of book that give you a entertainment, knowledge it's the same as jornal but for a magazine maybe the period of issue is longer than journal.
2. DC and LC Classification
- DC Dewey Decimal Classification or Dewey Decimal System
System for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups. Each group is assigned 100 numbers. Subdivisions eventually extend into decimal numbers; for example, the history of England is placed at 942, the history of the Stuart period at 942.06, and the history of the English Commonwealth at 942.063. The system was first formulated in 1873 by Melvil Dewey. Many libraries add a book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables, which further specify author and genre. The Library of Congress Classification has largely replaced the Dewey system.
System of library organization developed during the reorganization of the U.S. Library of Congress. It consists of separate, mutually exclusive, special classifications, often having no connection save the accidental one of alphabetical notation. The arrangement roughly follows groupings of social sciences, humanities, and natural and physical sciences. It divides the field of knowledge into 20 large classes and an additional class for general works. Each main class has a synopsis that also serves as a guide. The resulting order is from the general to the specific and from the theoretical to the practical. The LC Classification has largely replaced the Dewey Decimal Classification in university, special, and government libraries.
What are call numbers for?
Each book in the library has a unique call number. A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is located in the library.
Call numbers appear
Note that the same call number can be written from top-to-bottom, or left-to-right.
The Boston Public Library uses Library of Congress Classification for all non-fiction call numbers. This system uses a combination of letters and numbers to arrange materials by subjects.
Reading Call Numbers
Putting Call Numbers in Shelf Order
To understand how call numbers are put in order in Library of Congress Classification, again look at each section of the call number.
What does the call number mean?
Remember that Library of Congress Classification arranges materials by subjects. The first sections of the call number represent the subject of the book. The letter-and-decimal section of the call number often represents the author's last name. And, as you probably recall, the last section of a call number is often the date of publication.
Why is this important to know?
Because books are classified by subject, you can often find several helpful books on the same shelf, or nearby. For example, within the same call number LB2395, there are other guides for college study.
Since Library of Congress Classification arranges materials by subjects, knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves.
This page was adapted from the Honolulu Community College web site, written by Nadine Leong-Kurio.
Source : http://www.bpl.org/general/callnumbers.htm
4. What are sources of knowledge? Identify as much as you know.
1. Ask friends
2. Look in Book and other resource at home
3. Phone and Advisory service
4. Visit a library or information service
5. search on internet
6. Memory
7. Belief
8. Expereince
5. What do you read this week
I just read cartoon book and 'Tokyo Mai Mee ka'